Entreprenuer Course

(Grades 11–12)

Friday 2:45–4:40


This Dual-Enrollment class is being offered at GRACE facilities by Kuyper College for 11th–12th-grade students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Registration for this class will be through Kuyper College. Please visit their website: https://www.kuyper.edu/ Tuition will be paid through Kuyper but expect the cost to be around $570 for the 3-credit class.

This course will look specifically at the success factors necessary for the starting and running of a business enterprise. Topics for the course will include the development of a business concept, external environmental scans development of a target market, product and pricing strategies, financial projections, business funding, and the development of a business plan.

Class Cost: TBD


  • Hiduke, Gail P. & Ryan J.D. (2014) Small Business: An Entrepreneurs Plan 9th Edition, South Western Cengage
  • Horst, Chris & Greer, Peter (2014) Entrepreneurship for Human Flourishing American Enterprise Institute Press

Supplies: 3-ring binder/notebook

No Prerequisite Required