Research and Debate (Grades 9–12)
Friday 2:45–3:40
Teacher: Steven Washburn
Description: Students will learn to become logical, effective thinkers that are both careful and accurate. There will be many opportunities for lively class discussions, impromptu debates, as well as actual timed formal classroom debates. Students will build debating skills by the following: learning debate terminology, flowing debates or speeches, giving and listening to speeches, researching a topic for debate, evaluating sources for fallacies, and even judging actual online or classroom debates. Attendance is crucial for this class, as debating is a team effort. Two books are required for this class. A hard copy of the Everyday Debate & Discussion will need to be purchased. The other one, An Introduction to Policy Debate, will be available to read online only. It will be accessible through Moodle, our homework forum because it is no longer available in print. This second source makes a good internet connection vital.
Class Cost: $255
Book: Every Debate & Discussion: A Socratic Conversation, Informal Discussion and Formal Debate by Shelly Johnson, PhD; ISBN: #978-1-60051-293-3
- 100 Stack of 5 x 8 index cards
- Internet access for the website page: ClassicalAcademicPress/EverydayDebate
- Internet access to a gmail account for group work to meet on ZOOM and/or Google Hangouts
- Flash Drive (optional)
- Red and black pen
No Prerequisite Required
English Credit