Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What test scores do I need to join the Honor Society?
Students need at least one of the following scores with their minimums: ACT-26, Pre-ACT-26, SAT-1200, PSAT-1200, PSAT 10-1170, PSAT 8/9-1020 for 8th grade students, PSAT 8/9-1090 for 9th grade students, CLT-88, CLT 10-91, CLT 8/9-TBA, or a 90% score on standardized tests (i.e. Iowa (ITBS or ITED), Stanford, Terra Nova 2 (CAT6)2nd Ed.) or other nationally normed tests. Unacceptable tests include the following: MAT, Woodcock Johnson, PASS, THETA, and COMPASS tests.
2. Will my test results count if I take the test at home?
Your test results will NOT be accepted if the test has not been taken in a group setting. Parent administered tests will not be accepted either.
3. What does group involvement require?
Members must attend more than one half of the meetings, and participate in 1 group volunteer service project per year.
Members must also log at least 16 total hours of volunteer work each year. Hours spent at group volunteer projects are included in the 16 hours.
4. What do the meetings consist of?
The meetings are held once a month from September through May, and last one to one and a half hours. Following parliamentary procedure, the agenda usually is as follows: 1. Opening and Prayer; 2. Roll Call; 3.Secretary’s Report; 4.Treasurer’s Report; 5. Any Business; 6. Presentations; 7. Any Additional Business; and 8. Adjournment.
5. How can I contact the Honor Society?
You can contact us via the Feedback box on the homepage.
6. How do I apply?
To apply for membership, complete and submit the application accessed by the link on our webpage.
7. What is the membership fee?
The membership fee is $5 per person per year.
8. What is the Presidential Volunteer Service Award?
The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is an award given to a person who volunteers out of his or her home for a certain minimum of hours. Junior levels (those 14 and under) are: 100 hours for Gold, 75 hours for Silver, and 50 hours for Bronze. Regular award levels are 250 for Gold, 175 for Silver, and 100 for Bronze. More details are provided here: