The foundation of GRACE Home School Association is the Word of God as interpreted in the confessions proceeding from the Protestant Reformation and especially the Heidelberg Catechism. On this basis, we believe the following articles of faith and principles for Christian education to be the true and necessary foundation for all our activities.
- We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God; the focal point of which is the person and the redemptive work of the Living Word, Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible reveals to man what he is to believe and how he is to live.
- We believe that there is one holy, personal, Creator God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and that through Him was made all that was made, according to His Word, as it is recorded in Scripture.
- We believe that God the Father, motivated by His infinite grace and mercy, established His covenant of grace with men, and fulfilled that covenant through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Sinless One, who gave His life on the cross in order to pay the penalty for sin on behalf of those who believe in Him, thus redeeming them from the effects of sin. We believe in the resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that one day, He will come to judge all men.
- We believe in the Holy Ghost, the third Person of the Trinity, and that He testifies of Jesus, convicts us of sin, regenerates and indwells believers, guiding and empowering them to live a life that glorifies God.
- We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, totally apart from human merit and/or works, and that the act of regeneration, which is a work of grace performed by the Holy Spirit, produces a new creature in Christ.
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the everlasting blessedness of the just, and the everlasting punishment of the unjust.
- We believe that marriage, as created by God, is a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman.
- We believe that God created every person in his image, intentionally and immutably male and female.