Church History (Grades 10–12)

Church History (Grades 10–12)

Friday 11:00–11:55

Teacher: Sarah Ramey

Description: This Church History course will examine the major events and movements in the western church from its early apostolic leadership through modern times. In addition to the text, we will examine writings, art, and influential people in the life of the church, using these resources to think critically about how worldview impacts biblical and theological perspectives. We will also focus on how these historic worldviews have formed our modern understanding of the church and God’s Word.

Class Cost: $263

Book: Church History in Plain Language (Fifth Edition) ISBN-13: 978-0310115960; Church History in Plain Language Workbook ISBN-13: 9780310138969

PrerequisitesThis class requires a considerable amount of reading, as well as some previous familiarity with world history and the New Testament.

Supplies: None