Painting Studio

Painting Studio (Grades 6–12)

Friday 1:45–3:40

Teacher: Christina Stephenson

Description: In this class we will be working with oil paints, acrylic paints, and watercolor. Each medium has distinct characteristics which lend themselves to certain qualities in the finished art, and as we explore them, students will learn various techniques for producing beautiful paintings. We will learn about color, tone, composition, and balance. All materials are included in the class fees except canvases for the oil and acrylic painting and easels. Canvases and tabletop easels are available at Hobby Lobby or Amazon but will not be needed until partway through the first semester. There is a $30 material fee included in the cost of this course. 

Class and Material Cost: $556 

Supplies: All painting supplies will be provided except Oil Painting — canvas board or stretched canvas 10 x 14 or 18 x 24 and a tabletop easel (aluminum); Watercolor — 140 lb. cold-press watercolor paper, any size. Supplies can be found at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, or Blick Studio at (800) 828-4548 (for a free catalog) or

Prerequisite: Two years drawing or permission from instructor. Those wishing to join this class should submit drawings to determine readiness for this class or contact the teacher. Some prior experience in painting before taking this class would be beneficial.

Fine Arts Credit