Tell Your Story: Writing Creative Fiction and Non-Fiction (Grades 5–8)
Thursday 2:45–3:40
Friday 10:00–10:55
Teacher: Carol Shulman
Description: Everyone loves a good story, and, with a little practice, anyone can learn to write one. God has given each of us the gift of language, and all of us have a unique way of expressing ourselves. Let us learn together how to perfect our writing, so others will enjoy what we have to tell them. In this course, we will be concentrating on what constitutes a good story, how to use what we already know to create that story, and how to polish our writing, so it will sparkle and delight the reader or listener. Each month, we will explore a different type of writing and discuss such topics as how to grab the reader’s attention, logical progression in writing, and wrapping up a good, tight story line, so readers will want to open up our “gift” again and again. Join us!
Class Cost: $263
Book: None
Supplies: Notebook
No Prerequisite Required
Your Side of the Story: Writing Creative Fiction and Non-Fiction (Grades 9–12)
Thursday 1:45–2:40
Friday 11:00–11:55
Teacher: Carol Shulman
Description: What is it about certain writers that makes them so much fun to read? Often, the way a writer uses language attracts us more than the topic he or she writes about. It is almost as if we prefer the “flavor” of certain books more than others. God has given each of us unique insights and developing our writing skills enables us to use our language artistically and pass those insights on to others in ways that will inform, inspire, and delight them. Every four to five weeks, we will explore a new type of writing, take a look at successful authors in that genre, and learn the ins and outs of creating our own version of it. Class discussions will include such topics as making characters three-dimensional and scenes and scenery believable, telling the truth with fiction, editing and polishing our writing till it shines, and more.
Class Cost: $263
Book: None
Supplies: Notebook
No Prerequisite Required
English Credit