High School Literature — General (Grades 9–12)
Friday 11:00–11:55
Teacher: Carol Shulman
Description: This course will include famous short stories, novels, and poetry from the Middle Ages up to the present. This is a class for those who enjoy reading! Each author’s background will be explored, and any history needed to help students understand the assigned texts will be explained. A list of questions will be sent home each week, so students can arrive in class, prepared to discuss current assigned literature, as well as the author’s possible motives for writing as he/she did. Along the way, we will also go over the finer points of English grammar and punctuation and practice our writing skills as we try our hand at essays, literary critiques, and vignettes. Many of the readings are available online, but certain books will be needed, which can be either borrowed or purchased.
Class Cost: $263
Required Books:
- Beowulf (translation by Frederick Rebsamen)
- The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer) — Dual language edition
- Silas Marner (George Eliot)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
- Dandelion Wine (Ray Bradbury)
- Till We Have Faces (C. S. Lewis)
No Prerequisite Required