High School Writing

Analytical Writing for Essays and Research Papers/College Prep (Grades 10–12) 

Friday: 12:45–1:40

Teacher: Sarah Ramey

Description: This class is intended to prepare students for college level writing. Units will include thesis statements, essay organization, transitions, introductions, conclusions, and practice with descriptive and persuasive essays and research papers. 

***This class is on a two-year rotation with Literary Analysis (2026–2027).

Class and Copy Cost: $268

Book: Institute for Excellence in Writing: The Elegant Essay Student Book, 3rd Edition (ISBN: 978-0-9779860-1-9); MLA Guidelines 9th Edition QuickStudy Laminated Style Reference Guide: Kaitlyn McNamee MA: (ISBN-13 9781423248347)

Prerequisite: None

Supplies: Flash Drive. There is a copy fee of $5 included in the cost of the course.

English Credit

College Prep

Literary Analysis (Grades 10–12) Not offered this year

Teacher: Sarah Ramey

Description: This class uses classic short stories to present techniques, vocabulary, and practice to develop literary perception. We will further apply these learned elements by reading, discussing, and writing about some novels, non-fiction, and poetry. Enrolled students will receive a list of additional books to be purchased or obtained from the library. This class is designed to be advantageous for the college-bound student.

Class Cost:

Book: Institute for Excellence in Writing: Windows to the World, Student Book

Supplies: None

No Prerequisite Required

English Credit

Writing Based on U.S. History (Grades 9–12) Not offered this year

Teacher: TBD

While writing about topics from the explorers to modern times, students will develop more advanced writing skills such as thesis statements, MLA format, persuasive essays, research papers, and a devotional.

Class Cost: $227


    • Institute for Excellence in Writing: Advanced U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book
    • Student Resource Packet: Free download with purchase of student book or buy the Student Resource Package. https://iew.com/shop/products/student-resource-package-packet-and-binder
      Supplies: A dictionary and thesaurus should be available at home.

Prerequisite: At least one-year experience with IEW curriculum.

English Credit