Algebra II

Algebra II (Grades 9–12)

Friday 12:45–2:40

Teacher: Terri Veen

Description: This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, imaginary and complex numbers, quadratics, and concepts and includes the study of trigonometric functions. We will be expanding our procedural problem-solving skills and applying them to real-life situations.

Class Cost: $526

Book: Saxon Algebra 2 Student Text, 3rd Edition, and Solutions Manual

Supplies: Scientific calculator, 3-Ring binder, lots of filler paper, graph paper, and a graph paper composition notebook (can be found at Staples or Amazon.)

Prerequisite: Algebra I. It is highly recommended that the Saxon placement test be taken to determine whether your student is ready for Algebra II.  Your student should get 85% correct to be ready for Algebra II.

Requirement to Enroll in GRACE Math Classes:

GRACE prefers that parents administer the free, online math placement assessment prior to enrolling in our High School Math classes for the first time (not required for Geometry). Use the following link to find the placement assessment for Algebra II, Advanced Math (PreCalculus), and Calculus:

Download the test and answers, have your child take the test, writing out ALL their solutions and steps to arrive at the answers. Please check their work with the answers found at the end. For the benefit of each student, and the class as a whole, please mail or email your child’s answer sheets and solutions to GRACE at the time of registration. We recommend a score of 85% or greater as a pre-requisite to enroll in this class (e.g. if the student scores an 85% or better on the Algebra II placement test, they may enroll in GRACE Algebra II).

Math Credit