STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Grades 6–8)
Friday 2:45–4:10
Teacher: TBD
Description: The STEM acronym stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. All of these academic disciplines rely heavily on each other and are highly integrated in the professional and academic world. For example, an engineer will apply scientific knowledge about the chemistry of materials, mathematics, computer simulations, and physics when designing a bridge. This 1 1/2 hour course is intended to integrate the STEM fields through project-based learning. Students will be engaged by frequent hands-on activities geared towards combining each of the STEM disciplines. Creativity and collaboration will be encouraged as students solve problems. Students will be presented with challenges during which time they must draw upon their knowledge of the scientific method and STEM disciplines, collaborate with peers, and apply their own creative process to find solutions to the problem. An emphasis will be placed on data collection and analysis. Additional assignments and projects will be assigned throughout the year. All students are required to maintain a science binder. There is a $30 material fee and a $10 copy fee included in this class.
Class, Material, and Copy Cost: $435
Supplies: 3-ring binder with paper, calculator, pencils
No Prerequisite Required