Christian Worldview and Apologetics (Grades 11–12)
Thursday 10:00–10:55
Teacher: Josh Greer
Description: This course begins with a study of church history, denominations, and doctrine, taking students through various creeds, including the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicean Creed, and the Heidelberg Catechism. Special attention is given to the biblical roots of these doctrines. Learners then explore the concept of “worldview,” starting with an understanding of the Christian worldview, followed by exploration and critique of other worldviews. Students will examine how a Christian worldview impacts moral thinking and choices by studying ethics and discovering how to live out their faith in a Christ-centered, God-honoring way. Finally, the students will learn to defend their Christian worldview by studying apologetics, where they will learn how to respond to common questions about and charges against the Christian faith.
Books: Holy Bible
The following books can be found used at a much-reduced cost:
- The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog ISBN-13: 978-0830838509
- Defending your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics by R.C. Sproul ISBN-13: 978-1433503153
- Live Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers ISBN-13: 978-1496455666
- Can Science Explain Everything by John Lennox ISBN-13: 978-1784984113
- Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl ISBN-13: 9780310101468
Cost: $263
No Prerequisite Required
Social Studies Credit