Dramatic Arts and Exploring Theatre

Dramatic Arts and Exploring Theatre

(Grades 6–8) Thursday 2:45–3:40 or Friday 2:45–3:40
Teacher: Stephanie Green

(Grades 9–12) Thursday 2:45–3:40
Teacher: Josh Greer

Description: This high-energy course explores acting styles and techniques through sketches, improv, and for:mal performance. Through discussion, presentation, and hands-on activities, students strengthen their acting and public speaking skills. While creating scenes and studying theatre’s historical development, students recognize the artistry of our Creator and the call to use performance to point others to Him.

Each class will highlight the fundamentals of dramatization along with working intensively on a full production. There will be try-outs for parts and a minimum number of students will be required to enroll in this class. When the students are not working on their production, they may be writing and practicing short scripts and playing many games that teach and improve acting skills.

Both classes will be offered during the last hour so that practice times can be extended as needed as production time gets closer. Costumes and props will all be provided by actors and families helping to find free supplies.

A $30 fee is included in this class to pay for the license, scripts, and audio equipment for the play.

Class and Material Cost: $293