Honor Society Procedural Manual

Honor Society Procedural Manual

§I. Procedure in Small Boards

In a board meeting where there are not more than about a dozen members present, some of the formality that is necessary in a large assembly would hinder business. The rules governing such meetings are relaxed in the following respects:

– Members may raise a hand instead of standing when seeking to obtain the floor, and may remain seated while making motions (in the form of “I move that…”) or speaking.

– Motions need not be seconded; but when seconded, the second person should say “I second the motion.” This does not require recognition from the chair. Further, nominations do not need to be seconded.

– When there is a motion, the sole other motions that may be made are those of adjournment, tabling, and moving the previous question.

– There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a debatable question.

– Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending.

– When a proposal is perfectly clear to all present, a vote can be taken without a motion’s having been introduced. Unless agreed to by unanimous consent, however, all proposed actions must be approved by vote under the same rules as in larger meetings, except that a vote can be taken initially by a show of hands.

– The chairman need not rise while putting questions to a vote or when recognizing a member.

– If the chairman is a member, he may, without leaving the chair, speak in informal discussions and in debate, and vote on all questions.

– The general order of business in the Honor Society follows this pattern:

1. Call to order

2. Opening prayer

3. The reading of the minutes

4. The report of the treasurer

5. Any scheduled actions

6. Presentations

7. Future volunteer and meeting plans

8. Additional business

9. Adjournment


§II. Definitions

B1. Motions.

A motion is that which brings business before an assembly, requesting that an act be done or a position be held by the group; only one may be considered at a time, and such can be debated and amended.

B2. Minutes.

Minutes are the record of what is done at a meeting, not that which is said; they include the date and place of a meeting; the names of members and guests present; the approval of previous minutes; reports and related actions; all motions, encompassing the name of the persons who made such and the results of the vote; the time at which the meeting was adjourned; and any relevant deeds that were done after the meeting.

B3. Unanimous consent.

Unanimous consent is useful for adopting a motion without stating the question and putting the motion to formal vote, or also to take action without a motion. To obtain such, the president asks if there is objection and the action that he mentions will be taken; and if no member objects, the president announces that since there is no objection, the action is decided upon. This is frequently utilized in the correction of minutes.

B4. Previous Question.

A motion to move the previous question, as mentioned previously, promptly closes debate and the amendment process and brings a motion to a vote; further, it prohibits other subsidiary motions except that of Lay on the Table. It must be seconded, is not debatable, generally not amendable, necessitates a vote of two-thirds, and if accepted in the affirmative can be reconsidered before another vote.

B5. Point of Order.

A point of order may be raised by a member when the rules of the assembly are being violated, which requests that the president issue a ruling to enforce the regular rules. It has precedence over any question pending out of which it arose; can be applied to any breach of the rules of the assembly; is not debatable, but provided that the president allows it, the member who raised the point of order may elaborate upon such; is not amenable; is typically based upon the judgment of the president, unless he is in doubt or it is appealed, in which case it goes to the assembly for a vote. The point of order must be raised immediately as the breach of rules is noticed, and if there is a point of order regarding a vote, it must be made immediately after the results are announced.