Mrs. Kim Vander Hill
Email: dkhillcrew8@aol.com
Position: Teacher—Science (K–1), Science (2–4), General Science (3–5)
Contact Information: dkhillcrew8@aol.com
Background: Who am l? I am a child of the King, a wife for 31 years, a mother of six children, and a teacher for 28 years. I love all of the job titles God has given me! My joy comes from knowing Jesus as my personal Savior and being able to share His love to my family, friends, and students. I have always loved going to school and learning. It was when I attended Calvin College that I discovered my love of teaching and obtained my teacher certification. Since then I have taught many subjects to all grades kindergarten through eighth. I look forward to teaching at GRACE every year. The students are wonderful and respectful, the families are thankful and sweet, and the teachers are fantastic educators. I cannot wait to get started!