Tuition Reduction Incentive Program
Want to reduce your tuition bill?
Then let us introduce you to T.R.I.P. (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program)!
GRACE is participating in T.R.I.P. If you currently have a RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) account you can now select GRACE as your non-profit to earn rebates to use toward your tuition bill, Iowa Basic Skills Testing, graduation, yearbook, or other GRACE HSA expenses. Your family will receive 80% of the rebates earned while GRACE keeps 20% to offset costs of managing the program.
If you do not have a RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) account and would like to set one up to start earning rebates, send an email to to receive a Raise Right (formerly ShopWithScrip) invitation and agreement form. Complete the steps and you are ready to start earning!

GRACE has joined with ShopWithScrip/RaiseRight and other local vendors to help you earn money towards your tuition costs at GRACE. By purchasing gift cards through GRACE for everyday expenses at national or local vendors, you can earn a rebate to use toward your tuition bill.
Each month, on or near the 20th, your rebates earned for the month will be credited to your GRACE account. You will receive a receipt of the rebate distribution via email when it is posted to your account. You can also see your rebate posted to your account in the Parent Portal or on your monthly emailed billing statement.
For Instant TRIP or Weekly Orders, it will be noted on the form what types of cards are available. For a complete list of vendors and what types of cards they offer, visit the RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) webpage and scroll to the bottom of the page. Under “Quick Links,” click on “Retailer List” or “Retailer List by Category” for all vendors available and any restrictions. Do note that there are some vendors not available through RaiseRight but are only available with Instant TRIP and/or Weekly Orders.
There are a few ways to obtain gift cards and a few different types of gift cards.
1. Types of cards:
- Physical Gift Cards: One-time use cards.
- Reload Cards: Cards that you can reload to increase its balance and use over and over again. Reload cards take 24 hours to reload.
- ReloadNow Cards: Cards that you can reload to increase its balance and use over and over again and are available within minutes, sometimes seconds!
- eGift: Virtual cards that you purchase in your account online and are held in your RaiseRight Wallet. Some has to be printed before you can use it, but many are available on your phone by logging into your RaiseRight account and accessing the wallet. This is easy to do on your phone using the RaiseRight app.
2. Ways to order:
- Instant TRIP: An inventory of various vendor gift cards will be kept on-hand in the GRACE office for purchase on Thursday or Friday from 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m., on Thursday from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. during the summer months, or other days by appointment. You simply fill out the Instant TRIP Form after checking the vendor availability, give it to Shannon, Kim, or other TRIP helpers, who will verify your order, availability, and fill your order. Simple. Do be aware that sometimes we will be out of an Instant TRIP vendor. You can pick up an Instant TRIP order form in the office or print one from the Home page or TRIP page on this website.
- Weekly TRIP Order: A way to be sure that you will get the gift cards that you want is by using the Weekly TRIP Order Form. If your order is turned in by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, it will be available the following Thursday at 9:00 a.m. You can pick up a Weekly TRIP order form in the office or print one from the Home page or TRIP page on this website.
- RaiseRight: You can register for a RaiseRight account online with your computer, tablet, or phone.
- You can order gift cards to pick up from GRACE on Thursday or Friday, but don’t forget the deadline for orders is 3:30 p.m. on Friday and will then be available for pick up by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday when school is in session. The office will be open Thursdays from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. during the summer months.
For Reloading a card or buying eGift, you can do this while logged into your RaiseRight account on your computer. This is easy and convenient to do on your phone using the RaiseRight app.
No problem! Stop in the GRACE office while classes are in session, email, or call 616-498-6673
Email to receive a RaiseRight invitation and agreement form. Complete the steps, and you are ready to start earning!
Log into your RaiseRight. Click “Account.” Under “Settings” click on “Personal Information.” Click on “Join Another Organization.” And enter the GRACE enrollment code. You can get the enrollment code by emailing Or, just as signing up, you can email with a request for an invitation.
You can do that! You can switch between the different organizations that you have joined by clicking on “Account.” Under “Settings” click on “Personal Information.” Click on “Join Another Organization.” You will need to get the enrollment codes for the other organizations to join them.
Yes! As a retired homeschool parent, now grandparent, I participate in TRIP to help reduce tuition for my grandchildren. Your mom, or other friends and family, can request to have an invitation and agreement form sent to them, too. On the agreement form, they would indicate whose account they would like their rebate distributions applied to.
Send an email to office, and I will do my best to answer them!