Grace Home School Association is a Christian organization dedicated to promoting home schooling and to supporting parents who have chosen to educate their children in the home. GRACE is an independent, non-profit association under the leadership of a self-governing Board of Directors.
GRACE provides regularly scheduled classes taught by qualified teachers for the benefit of students who are not able to take such classes at home. GRACE teachers are required to be knowledgeable in their fields on the basis of previous teaching or professional experience. GRACE teachers must also hold to a reformed Christian approach to education. While GRACE is nondenominational, Christian perspectives strongly influence all classroom teaching and the selection of educational materials.
GRACE classes are open to all students K–12 whose parents are committed to home schooling and who are willing to abide by the GRACE code of conduct while at school. Classes meet two days a week, and parents are allowed to choose as few or as many of the offerings as they wish.
Reasons for selecting a GRACE class include: the difficulty of the subject; the need for special equipment or facilities; or the need for group participation.
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