Your family is responsible for obtaining the correct textbook for each course unless otherwise indicated. In the course descriptions, you will find the title of the book(s) needed for that course. Please do not wait until the last day before classes begin to buy your books. Possible sources for new and used books:
New Books:
Christian Book Distributors
Homeschool Buyers Co-op
HSB, Inc.
Rainbow Resources (Free shipping with order over $50)
Used Books:
GRACE Home School Association Book Sale (Last day of classes)
GRACE HSA Buy and Sell Books and Curriculum Facebook page
( (Use Amazon Smile and support GRACE Home School Association with every purchase)
Embrace Books (Free books, located in Muskegon)
Holland Book Market, 1180 Washington Ave., Holland, Mich. 49423 (Buy and sell)
Second Harvest Curriculum (Buy and sell)
The Homeschool Bookshelf
Registration: Registration opens on March 10, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. for current GRACE families, and registration opens on March 17, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. for families new to GRACE. All registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. (New families may submit registrations starting March 10. They will be kept in the order in which they were received but will not be processed until March 17.) To register, you will need to pay a $60 per family non-refundable registration fee and a $60 deposit fee before submitting your registration. The $60 deposit fee will be applied to your tuition account for the first billing but will be forfeited if you drop your family registration. The registration fee will not be refunded or applied to your tuition account but used towards GRACE administrative costs.
Please register early to allow GRACE to facilitate timely planning for the upcoming year. Classes may be at risk of being dropped after July 15 if the minimum enrollment has not occurred. Registration and class changes after this date will be accepted if classes are still available. There is a $30 fee per class if parents drop a class after July 15. Classes may be added or exchanged with no penalty. This policy is in place so that the administration and teachers are able to properly prepare for the first day of class.
How to Register for Classes:
2024–25 Families: If your family is currently enrolled for the 2024–25 school year, you will find re-enrollment instructions on the Parent Portal until July 31 — Online Forms|Select Student|Re-enrollment Form. Use the 1st Student Re-enroll form for the first submitted form. If you have not enrolled by July 31, your account will be made inactive. To have your account reactivated for enrollment, contact the office ( or 616.258.0951). New sibling student this year? Select the “Sibling Application” on the Parent Portal and follow the instructions.
Families new to GRACE can register for classes by going to the link and selecting “Create New User.” After creating a new user, select the form “New Student Application” for your first student and “Sibling Application” for each subsequent student.
Please allow 1–2 weeks for your registration to be processed, after which you will receive a confirmation email.
Wait List: During registration, you will have the option to select “wait list” if a class is full. Once the class has an opening, a staff member will contact you to verify your desire to still enroll in the class.
Go to the Registration page for more detailed instructions.
If a student has been expelled from a school previously, the student and parent must meet with the GRACE Board to determine the possibility of enrollment with GRACE.
If you have a child with special physical or academic needs, please include that information with your registration and let the teacher know so that they can adjust accordingly. When registering your child, please be sure to include all necessary medical information, including medications and allergies.
- $263 per 1-hour class per year
- $395 per 1½-hour class per year
- $526 per 2-hour class per year
As noted in the course descriptions, some courses also require additional fees. Total cost for any class can be found in the Class Shedule (tab locate on the home page.)
We have a sliding scale for any family registering for more than six class hours. There is a $20 discount for the seventh and eighth class hours. There is a $25 discount for the ninth class hour and for each class hour beyond that.
Each semester consists of fifteen weeks with two semesters per school year. Parents register for both semesters at the same time. The cost shown in the catalog represents the full-year cost. In December, there may be an opportunity to sign up for a second semester gym, elementary science, logic, or art class, if they are not full. Some other classes may be available with teacher approval. A catalog is not published for second semester. If you have any questions regarding registration, please call the office at 616.258.0951 or e-mail
Monthly Statements and Late Fees:
You have two options to pay your family’s tuition:
- Pay in Full with payment due August 15.
- Set up a payment plan.
Semester Plan: Pay first semester by August 15 and second semester by January 15.
10-Month Plan: Payments due the 15th of each month August–May.
Auto Pay: An option called Recurring Payment. Follow the instructions under Billing in the Parent Portal. Follow the instructions under Billing in the Parent Portal.
While registering for classes, you will have the option to choose your preferred payment plan.
You will receive each statement via email approximately ten days prior to the due date. You may also view your contract, monthly payment amount, and balance in the Parent Portal. You may pay your bill online through the Parent Portal using your checking or savings account with your bank routing and account number ($.75 convenience fee will be applied). You can also use your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit or debit card (3% convenience fee will be applied). Other options are to set up automatic pay/Recurring under billing, or mail your check to the GRACE address. You may also pay by check or cash in person on Thursdays or Fridays when classes are in session. Use of credit and/or debit card will only be accepted through the Parent Portal, not in the GRACE office or over the phone. A late fee of $5 will be charged for payments not received by the 15th of the month in which your payment is due. Delinquent accounts will not have access to their children’s report cards, not be able to attend 2nd semester class, and will not be able to register for classes for the coming school year while delinquent. If there are special situations that may require a late payment, please contact us beforehand to make arrangements to avoid late fees.
Refund Policy: If you drop a class before August 15, you will receive a full refund, less the registration fee and, if after July 15, less a $30 per class processing fee. If a student drops a class on or after the day of the first class meeting, but before the end of the day of the third class meeting, half of the full year’s tuition for that course will be refunded/deducted. If a class is dropped after the third-class meeting, no refund/deduction will be given, and you will be required to pay any remaining balance of your family’s classes. You will also forfeit the deposit fee paid at registration. GRACE has fixed financial obligations requiring us to have this policy. No refunds are given to second semester dropped classes. To change your classes, add, or drop, you will need to fill out the add/drop form.
Tuition Credit: Parents may earn $8 per hour tuition credit by volunteering as a Study Hall/Family Room Monitor. Parents may also earn a $30 tuition credit by volunteering to organize a field trip or special activity, approved by the GRACE Administrator. Parents can earn tuition credit by helping to collect ads for the annual GRACE catalog; you will receive a 50% tuition credit for the cost of each ad purchased. Information about collecting ads is emailed to families near the new year.
As Christians, our goal is to obey Scripture and, in word and deed, glorify God. Since the purpose of Bible-centered education is to grow in wisdom and virtue, we require all our students to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues: kindness, truthfulness, courtesy toward others and respect for their property rights, punctuality in attendance and work, respect for and obedience to those in authority, diligent effort and attention. GRACE seeks to work with parents to maintain an organization which supports high standards of biblical behavior. Therefore, we are open to comments and suggestions from home schooling parents. If you are unsure of the meaning of any rule, please feel free to ask. Any student who fails to respect these rules, and the philosophy of GRACE, could be subject to dismissal.
Free Time Between Classes: On Thursdays and Fridays, all students without exception, must be in the Supervised Community Room (Study Hall) or accompanied by their parent in the Nursery when not in class. Students who will not be accompanied by a parent must register for the Supervised Community Room (Study Hall) when registering for classes. There is a $50 charge per student for using the Study Hall/Family Room with a $100 cap per family for students without parental supervision. (This fee is for the whole year for any study halls used on the student’s day of classes.)
Prompt Arrival and Departure: Please use the doors and parking lot on the south side of The Refuge. Students should be picked up promptly after their classes are finished for the day and should not be dropped off more than 10 minutes before their first class. Be aware that a staff person from GRACE must remain in the building until all GRACE students have left the building.
Dress Code: We believe the dress code can encourage an atmosphere of serious study and encourage students to make God-honoring choices regarding their appearance without being restricted by a uniform. Out of love for God and our fellow man, we should be careful not to cause others to be tempted and stumble into sin. Please consider reading and discussing these Scripture passages with your children: Matthew 22:37–40; Romans 14:12, 13; Matthew 5:28; Philippians 4:5. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their students adhere to the dress code. Non-compliance may result in appropriate administrative action.
Here are some guidelines to help you in considering others:
All Students: No shorts except for when in PE classes. No offensive writing on shirts. No ripped jeans. Extreme styles or fads are not permitted. This applies to clothing, hair, and jewelry accessories (piercings, etc.). All underwear must be covered. Dress codes must be observed until the student leaves the building for the day.
Boys: No undershirts, shorts, sweatpants, sagging pants, or shorts. Hats must be removed upon entering a room. Earrings, chokers, and chains are not allowed.
Girls: No undershirts, sweatpants, or skin-tight pants or shorts. Skirts must be knee-length, and shirts must not be tight-fitting or have low necklines. No bare midriffs, even when arms are raised. Leggings and jeggings are not considered pants and should be worn under skirts that are at least knee-length. No extreme piercings are acceptable.
Grading Scale: GRACE acknowledges that the ultimate responsibility for grades lies in the hands of the homeschooling parent. GRACE teachers will use the following scale to assign grades to students based on the teacher’s assessment of the students’ achievements in their classes. Report cards will be available on the Parent Portal approximately three weeks after the end of the semester. You can find the Parent Portal on the home page of the GRACE website ( Log in using your School ID 1994, your Parent ID, which is found on your monthly tuition statement. Select your students (on the left your monthly tuition statement, and your password. Go to Classes|Grades. Select your student (on the left side of the screen), select the correct year and select Report Card (right side of the screen). You can then print your student’s report card for your records. GRACE does not mail paper report cards. An email is sent to parents when the report cards are complete.
97–100 A+ 93–96 A 90–92 A-
87–89 B+ 83–86 B 80–82 B-
77–79 C+ 73–76 C 70–72 C-
67–69 D+ 63–66 D 60–62 D- <60F
Cheating: If a student is caught cheating by either giving or receiving answers during a test or in any other assignment, the parents will be notified and an automatic zero will be given for that particular test or assignment. If cheating occurs again in any subject during the year, the child will be expelled from that particular class. If it occurs a third time, the child will be expelled from GRACE for the remainder of the year.
Plagiarism: Plagiarized reports will not be accepted. Plagiarism can be the following: using AI to write your report, turning in someone else’s work as your own; copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit; changing words, but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit; copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up most of your work, whether you give credit or not. For more information about citing sources and resources to check for plagiarism, go to
Homework, Tardiness, and Absences: GRACE Home School Association believes that academic excellence is achieved only through regular attendance, hard work, and a respectful relationship between parents, students, and teachers. Because teachers know their students and course needs best, individual teachers will set the policies for homework, tardiness, and absences. Parents are asked to support the policies of these teachers and to communicate with the teachers if students are not able to meet those expectations. GRACE supports our teachers and will work to provide the best possible learning environment for your child. Parents need to contact teachers directly as to a student’s absence. Staff emails can be found on this page of our website.
Drug, Alcohol, Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Weapons: No harmful substances are allowed in or around the building. If a student is caught with any, the consequence could be immediate expulsion. Anything considered to be a weapon (including jack knives) is prohibited. If you are unsure whether an item has weapon status, check with the administrator when you enter the building.
Other Rules:
No food or drink in any classroom (including gym), except for special events organized by a teacher.
No red or purple punch is allowed in The Refuge.
No electronic devices such as MP3 players, iPods, hand-held games, etc. in the classroom.
No bringing extra items to class such as toys, beads, etc. Items will be confiscated and returned later.
No wandering the halls, restrooms, or parking lot during class time. If you are not in class, you should be in a designated area.
No loud talking or running in the building will be permitted.
Cell phones must be silenced or turned off. No texting will be permitted during class time.
No public displays of affection such as holding hands or hugging are allowed.
Failure to Obey Rules: First violation, a written warning will be sent to the parents. The second violation will result in dismissal from classes for that day. The third violation will result in dismissal from GRACE without any refund.
Bad Weather:
GRACE will close for inclement weather when GRANDVILLE Public Schools of Kent County close. We will not call parents to notify them.
Tornado policy: If a tornado watch or warning is issued for Ottawa County, and is still in effect one hour before the beginning of the class day, we will cancel all classes for the day. If the watch is issued while we are in class, we will cancel all classes with the intent that all students can be sent home immediately. Please have a plan whereby your child can get home as soon as possible. If a warning is issued, we must take shelter in the lower level of the building.
We value the work that homeschool mothers and fathers are doing and seek to support them. We are also seeking to encourage an environment of community among our homeschool families.
Available areas for your use:
The Supervised Community Room (available 8:30–4:15, Thursday/Friday) has been designated as a continuous area for study. This would be a good place to be with children who need to move and for you to visit with other parents. This area has also been designated for students who are between classes. An adult monitor will be present. There is a $50 fee per student for using the Community Room with a $100 cap per family for students without parental supervison. There is also a small room off the Family Room (Room 8) that can be used by students for quiet study, also monitored. (See “Tuition Credit” above for monitoring opportunities.)
The Adult Only Lounge: Tables and chairs are available north of the gym for parents staying at The Refuge while their children attend class. This area is located by the The Refuge offices and portico entry doors. We ask that parents that are waiting with children use either the nursery on the Main Level or the Family Room on the Lower Level.
The Nursery is available for those who wish to use it. The Refuge would like to keep this a clean and relaxing area, well stocked with age appropriate toys. Students may be in the nursery ONLY if accompanied by their own parent. We ask that when you leave this room all the toys are picked up, and the room is left orderly for the next group to use.
Field Trips: Possible places include the following: AirZoo, Bike Path Ride, FMG, Zoo, Fire Station, Blandford Nature Center, Meyer May House, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids Children’s Museum, and Gerald R. Ford Museum. You may have other ideas, as well, which would need to be approved by the GRACE Administrator.
Girls of GRACE Book Club: Middle School girls usually meet once a month during the lunch hour. Bring your lunch and bring a friend. They will share the books they love with each other and get new ideas from the others for books they will want to read next! Mrs. Krista McConkey will lead the group and help choose the genre each month. Each month the girls choose a book from that genre that is right for their family. Moms are welcome to join in the fun. Note to parents: The books that students choose to share at book club do not necessarily reflect the views of GRACE or of all parents.
Group Activities: Group activities could include a roller skating party, Christmas caroling, sledding, field day at a park, service project, GRACE craft fair, cookie share project, group event at BATTLEGR, GRACE craft fair, or come up with an idea of your own. See the administrative assistant for planning and tuition credit.
Lunch: Students and parents who stay for the lunch break may bring their own sack lunch. All students in the building at noon are expected to eat lunch in the Community Room unless they have a signed off-campus waiver.
Pizza Lunch will be available on the first Thursday and Friday of each month at a very reasonable rate. Parents are welcome to purchase these lunches as well. It’s a great opportunity to visit with other parents.
Family Night Showcase: This is an event that occurs on the evening of last day of school to showcase student projects, fellowship with families, and talk with teachers.
Every year GRACE offers a professional graduation ceremony at The Refuge for any homeschooled graduate. The student does not have to be a GRACE student in order to participate. We have all the necessary components that a family with a graduate have come to expect. We order professionally made invitations, caps and gowns, and diplomas. There is music chosen for the ceremony by the students. Guest speakers are chosen. The students organize their group reception complete with delicious food and decorations, along with their own table to display photos, awards, and other information about their lives. Family and friends are invited to this wonderful celebration of accomplishment. For dates and more information, select Graduation.
GRACE offers yearly IOWA Assessments in May after GRACE classes end for the year. The IOWA Assessments—Complete (Grades 3–8) assesses student achievement in Reading, Written Expression, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language (Vocabulary, Spelling, Capitalization, and Punctuation). The IOWA Assessments—Complete (Grades 9–12) assesses student achievement in Reading, Written Expression, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Vocabulary, and Computation. This test is the only test that most insurance companies recognize for home educators as qualifying them for the “Good Student” auto insurance discount. Please note the difference between our test and the Core Test offered by others which does NOT include Science and Social Studies. For dates and more information, select IOWA Basic Skills Testing.
GRACE has an annual yearbook put together by the Yearbook class offered each year. We have individual student school pictures taken by LifeTouch Photography, along with senior pages dedicated and put together by the seniors of GRACE. Classroom shots and other interesting items are featured throughout. The yearbook is a keepsake that students and their extended families would love to own. The price is reasonable, and if your child is in the Yearbook class, they will receive a free yearbook for all their hard work!
Every year we have a day in which all students and siblings that attend GRACE have the opportunity to get individual school pictures taken. The photos of GRACE students are used in our yearbook for each grade class. The student must have their picture taken in order to have it appear in the yearbook and to receive the free ID, so we encourage all students to take part. Photo packages are available for purchase through LifeTouch Photography on that day or order online. You are NOT required to purchase pictures. There is a make-up day to have the photo taken, as well. If your child is sick or unable to be there on either day, the teacher in charge of the Yearbook class will make every effort to find your child and get his/her photo at a later date, so that they can have their photo in the yearbook. For dates and more information, select Yearbook/School Pictures.
Comments or Questions?
GRACE Home School Association
60 Port Sheldon St. SW, Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 258-0951 or office.gracehomeschool@gmail.comA