Iota Eta Chapter of the Eta Sigma Alpha

National Home School Honor Society
Presidential Volunteer Service Award
Established 2005
The mission of this Chapter is to form Christian character and integrity through four aspects: Service, Scholarship, Leadership, and Networking, so that they may grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ.
The official name of the West Michigan Chapter is the Iota Eta Chapter of the Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society. As a chapter we adhere to the principles of the Reformation.
The West Michigan Home School Honor Society was one of the first honor societies in West Michigan for homeschoolers. Our purpose is to assist college-bound students by providing them with leadership opportunities and service experience, while encouraging their social and academic abilities. Using parliamentary procedure, we hold monthly meetings from September through May. Although we hold no meeting in December, in May we hold a picnic and gathering of both members and alumni. We also have executive duties that are filled by either volunteer candidates or by election if multiple candidates volunteer for that duty (for more information on our offices, please see the link above). We welcome anyone who is in grade 9-12, meets our test score requirements, has the intention of bettering his/her education with membership, and is homeschooled. Visitors are also welcome. Please contact us if you wish to join or visit us at our next meeting(s).